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OptiMizer InStall

The OptiMizer InStall is a safe, durable slow feeder that can be loaded with a day’s worth of hay in seconds. It’s based on our proven paddock OptiMizer design and tested for over 10,000 hours under horses across North America.

A clydesdale horse eating out of an In-Stall OptiMizer


All corners are rounded with 1″ diameters, making a smooth and safe surface if rubbed against.

Slow feed netting hangs inside the feeder and conforms over the hay from the top to the bottom of the feeder.


Smooth, one-handed operation of the arm quickly opens and closes the feeder. 


The tiniest bits are the tastiest. With an OptiMizer, these delicate leaves aren’t lost to the ground but remain within the manger.

Ensure drainage on any terrain with 13 holes distributed around the base of the OptiMizer.

Horse eating out of an InStall OptiMizer in its stall

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What Our Users Say

“The OptiMizer is quick and easy to fill after mucking the stall. And I know my horse is getting the right amount of hay to eat, all night long because there is hay leftover in the morning and NONE has been wasted.”
